Saturday, June 6, 2009

What the hell do we know?!

On a Girls Night last Friday, something struck me...what the hell do we know?!

There we were, six girls ranging from 21 - 31 years of age, most of whom are single, or unhappy in there relationship (only one, the 31-year-old is married)...all giving each other advice on men and relationships. But really, what the hell do we know?

Posing this question to the group, there was a momentary pause as it sunk in. Why are we asking advice from other people who are single? Or who are in a relationship, but seeing a couple's counsellor? Shouldn't we be seeking answers to our heart-ache woes from people who are happily married, or at least, in a loving, prospering relationship?

I feel sorry for blokes. I really do. When they date a women, they are not just dating one woman. Oh no. Unbeknown to them, they are dating at least five other women as well (and with none of the benefits of dating five women at once). So they are not just dealing with one emotional female, but a whole fleet of them and their moodswings. All of whom have a different opinion of what he does, what he says, and how he shags.

Poor buggers.

How often have you thought one thing, been so sure of it, then spoken to friends and your view has flipped 180? Or, at least, it puts a thought into your head which wasn't there before...a new way of looking at something.

We need to find the balance between taking on board enough advice so as we don't find ourselves recklessly sailing off into the sunset with some crusty-nobbed freak... and letting so much advice on board that our ship sinks.

That metaphor made much more sense in my head. Look away now if you are feint at heart but for those that are wondering, the crusty-nobbed freak refers to an ex of mine who once had, well, a crusty nob. Like dried Cornflakes on the end. Yuck.

Anyway, my conclusion here is to walk alone for a while. I'm going to see how I end up not listening to anyone's advice, just my heart.

Hopefully I won't encounter anymore cereal varieties along the way...

1 comment:

  1. Hey sexy lady. I believe one should only listen to perspectives not advice. There are no right answers. - The Wife
